Life on the water is a popular way to live for Boca Raton residents. From owning a boat to keeping it at a marina, many people prefer to spend their time on the water. While there are few things more relaxing than a boat excursion, the reality is that accidents can happen on the water.
If your yacht was damaged or destroyed, your insurance policy should pay you fair compensation. The damage to or loss of a yacht can be difficult to process, but your insurance payout should provide you with the resources needed to cover repairs or replace your vessel. That is assuming that the insurance company treats you fairly.
The reality about insurance claims is that your carrier might not treat you fairly at all. In fact, some insurance companies refuse to act in good faith when responding to yacht or marine claims. This is done in an effort to save money and improve the company’s bottom line—at your personal expense.
Part of the insurance claim process involves the insurance company sending an adjuster to evaluate your loss and place a value on your claim. The adjuster might be friendly, but it is important to remember that they are not on your side. Instead, their duty is to the insurance company that employs them. This can lead them to making decisions about your clam that do not match the evidence.
The best way to combat these bad faith actions is by relying on an adjuster of your own. You have the opportunity to hire a Boca Raton public adjuster for yacht insurance claims. Having your own adjuster by your side gives you an opportunity to make the case that the carrier is undervaluing your claim. In fact, an adjuster could negotiate directly with the insurance company to help you get the best possible settlement offer for your yacht insurance claim.
On Target Claims understands what goes into a successful yacht insurance claim. Our team has worked with countless yacht owners to help them maximize the financial recovery that comes with these claims.
If you are considering a claim, now is the time to seek guidance from an expert. Our team of adjusters is prepared to work tirelessly to help you get the outcome you deserve. At On Target Claims, we work for you—not the insurance company. We know how they approach the claims process, and we are ready to show them the real value of your claim. Reach out today to discuss your options.