Does Homeowner’s Insurance Pay for Mold Removal in Florida?

Mold is a fungus that can form on surfaces in your home. If you’re not sure if mold is present, you should call a professional to look at it. Homeowner’s insurance may pay for Mold Removal in Florida.

You’re going about your day, minding your own business and then you start to pick up a musty, stale scent around your home. You can pinpoint where it’s coming from, but the smell is unmistakable and is only getting worse with time. To make matters worse, it seems like you have a constant headache and never-ending congestion. 

This can seem like a hopeless situation where things are spiraling out of control. But a careful inspection of your home will reveal every homeowner’s nightmare; mold. Mold is truly a nuisance, but is also very toxic and can be quite dangerous. If it isn’t addressed in a timely manner. 

In this article, we will discuss the types of circumstances in which mold damage will be covered by an insurance policy. We will also explore some of the challenges of filing a claim directly with your insurance company, and how to hire a public insurance adjuster to represent your claim. Do you think you may have mold in your home? If so, read on to learn what you can do about it.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Pay for Mold Removal in Florida?

When the mold is black and just on top of a surface, cleaning it out is fairly easy and inexpensive. However, when you end up having to pay to clean out the AC, ductwork, or the, fees can add up very quickly. Luckily, there are some circumstances in which home insurance will pay for mold remediation. 

A typical homeowner’s insurance policy covers mold removal in Florida when it has caused the mold to grow within the hidden structures of the home. Below are the circumstances under which mold removal is covered: 

Burst Pipes & Water Heaters

Sometimes the plumbing system at home fails us. A pipe may burst in a concealed area and by the time it’s discovered, it will create a lot of damage. Mold is one of the dreadful consequences of leaking pipes. 

There’s also the terrible situation in which a water heater bursts. Sometimes this happens when the homeowner is away, and the problem is discovered only after mold has had its mark on the house. Luckily, most insurance policies will consider these events as covered perils and will cover the cleaning fees. 

Appliance Malfunctions

A broken dishwasher, washing machine, or even refrigerator sometimes develops leaks that cause mold to develop in the house. Mold caused by malfunctioning appliances has to be cleaned up professionally because it spreads before the homeowner has the chance to notice it. Thus, the cleaning fees will be covered by insurance. 

Overflowing Toilet

We can control a toilet overflowing toilet and this causes mold to develop, most insurance companies will cover the repairs and clean-up that result from this problem. 

Firefighters Extinguishing a Fire

There are also unfortunate circumstances in which a fire occurs at home. Firefighters have to come and extinguish the fire and all that water will cause a mold infestation. If that happens in your home, your insurance company will certainly cover the damage. 

When Homeowners Insurance Won’t Cover Mold Removal in Florida 

While homeowner’s insurance policies provide compensation for the above-mentioned situations, there are circumstances that won’t be covered. Unfortunately, when mold develops under the situations described below, you will have to pay for the cleaning out of your own pocket. 

  • Flooding
  • Any damage caused by broken and neglected plumbing parts. For example, broken sump pumps, seals, and fixtures. 
  • Poor ventilation in areas that are known for high humidity levels. 

The Problem with Settling for Your Insurance Company’s Initial Claim Offer

Your first reaction to the hefty expense of mold removal in Florida may just be to file a claim directly with your insurance company. After all, that’s what they are there for, right? While this is certainly a viable option, there are still several reasons why it is probably best to have a third party, like a public insurance claim adjuster, be involved in the process. 

The Insurance Claim Process

A typical claim process of a homeowner’s insurance policy starts with the policyholder filing the claim. After the claim has been reported, the insurance company will then assign their own adjuster to your case who will be in charge of investigating and assessing the damage. They may visit your home to take pictures and collect other evidence to support the claim. 

Once all the necessary information has been gathered, the adjuster will review the policy and evaluate the claim to make a recommendation to the insurance company for the amount that should be paid to the policyholder. Once the insurance approves the settlement recommended by the policyholder, you will be notified of the amount. At this point, you have the option of accepting that amount or attempting to negotiate a higher payout. 

How Insurance Companies Determine the Value of a Claim

The value of a claim is determined by several factors. They will first send an adjuster to assess the extent of the damage. The adjuster will take photos, make notes, and evaluate the cost of repairs or replacement. They will then review the policy language and factor in the actual cash value (ACV) of the property along with the repair costs to create their initial recommendation of the compensation you would receive from the insurance company. 

The Potential for Undervaluing or Denying Claims

As for-profit entities, insurance companies have the incentive to minimize the amount of money paid out on claims. The adjuster from your insurance company will be largely operating in the interest of the insurance company and will follow the strict guidelines that severely limit the settlement amount they can recommend. They may claim that your policy doesn’t have enough coverage or that there are policy exclusions that prevent you from receiving the compensation you deserve. For this reason, we recommend bringing a representative that will be working in your favor, such as a public insurance adjuster. 

Why You Should Consider Hiring a Public Insurance Claim Adjuster

The claims process of any insurance company is often difficult to navigate. Though the adjusters of each insurance company are inherently terrible people, they do operate in favor of the insurance company. This is why you must bring in someone who is proficient in the claims process and who will be on your side. 

What is a Public Insurance Claim Adjuster?

Public insurance adjusters are not employed by insurance companies, but instead, work independently for policyholders, like you. They have expertise in evaluating the extent of damage, determining the value of losses, and negotiating with insurance companies to ensure that policyholders receive the compensation they are entitled to under their insurance policy.

Typically, public insurance adjusters charge a fee, which is a small percentage of the insurance settlement amount. This fee is often negotiated between the adjuster and policyholder before any work begins. 

What Are the Advantages of a Public Insurance Claim Adjuster?

Bringing a public insurance claim adjuster to help with your claim will level the playing field between you and the insurance company. Public insurance adjusters hold an insurance license and are well-versed and experienced with the claims process. In order to determine exactly what compensation you are eligible for, they will use their knowledge and expertise to interpret the policy language, exclusions, limitations, and liability coverage of your insurance policy. 

How Can a Public Adjuster Help with Mold Damage Claims in Florida

A public adjuster can help with mold damage claims by performing an independent, third-party assessment of the damage as well as the value of the property and repairs needed. Using their assessment, they will be able to determine the compensation you deserve without factoring in the interest of the company. Remember, public adjusters will only get paid if you get paid through a settlement. Therefore, they will go to great lengths to represent you as best as they can to negotiate a fair settlement. 

Public insurance adjusters are also experts in the claims process who will help guide and support you throughout the process. They have higher visibility into insurance policies and are armed with many tools to help them work in your interest. Though insurance adjusters also have a great level of knowledge, they are only typically experienced with the insurance policies of the company that employs them. 

The level of responsibility of a public insurance adjuster also plays in favor of you, the policyholder. They are responsible for advocating for the members of the public that come to them with their claims. Thus, they are far more invested in the greater good of the policyholder than the adjuster working for an insurance company. 

How to Find a Reputable Public Insurance Claim Adjuster in Florida

Finding a reputable public insurance claim adjuster can help ensure that you receive a fair settlement and that your interests are protected throughout the claims process. Here are some guidelines to follow to ensure that you are choosing the best representative for your claim: 

Check for Licensing

In Florida, public adjusters must be licensed by the state Department of Financial Services. You can verify a public adjuster’s license by checking the Florida Department of Financial Services website or by calling the department’s toll-free number.

Look for Experience

Look for public adjusters who have a strong track record of experience and success working on behalf of policyholders. Check their website to verify the claims that they’ve worked on before and learn about how long they’ve been in business. 

Check for Reviews

Do not be afraid to look for online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. You can check review sites like Google, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau to see what other customers have said about their experience. You can also ask for references directly from the adjuster. Any reputable public adjuster will provide you with a list of references at your request. 

Check for Professional Memberships

Consider public adjusters who belong to professional associations such as the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) or the Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (FAPIA). Membership in these organizations speaks of their commitment to professional standards and ethical conduct. These memberships also confirm that the public adjuster is recognized among other fellow public adjusters. 

Contact On Target Claims to Get the Compensation You Deserve in Florida!

Are you dealing with damage caused by mold in your home? Contact us today to get in touch with a public adjuster who will work to represent you in your claim. With us on your side, you will get the full settlement that you deserve. 

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