The threat of hurricanes is part of the deal when it comes to living in Florida. These serious storms and the wind damage they bring with them might be common, but that does not make rebuilding any easier. If you are a homeowner in Coral Springs, you likely have insurance coverage designed to help you rebuild after a hurricane or wind loss. This damage can be catastrophic, but these policies exist to ensure your home or business can be returned to its pre-hurricane condition.
Unfortunately, insurance companies do not always take their contractual obligations seriously. In fact, many act in bad faith when responding to these claims. Insurance companies are driven by profit—even if it means treating you unfairly. You have options when it comes to fighting for fair compensation. A public insurance adjuster in Coral Springs could serve as your advocate while guiding you through every step of the claims process.
On Target Claims understands how to deal with the devastation that can follow a hurricane or severe wind damage. We can come to your property, evaluate your loss, and help you understand what your claim might be worth. The insurance company will send their own adjuster in an effort to place a dollar value on your claim. While they work for the insurance company, we work for you. We can come up with our valuation that can help you get the fair outcome you deserve during the claims process.
Our team is even ready to help you negotiate your claim with the insurance carrier. If you want help navigating the claims process and getting the most from your insurance policy, On Target Claims is here to help. We offer free case evaluations to give you an idea of how we can assist you. Reach out as soon as possible to let On Target Claims pursue the compensation you deserve.
In order to help you get through the claims process, we’ve compiled some important information that Coral Springs residents need to know. Read on to learn all about hurricane and wind claims in Florida, including how to ensure that you get the maximum payout for your claim.
Hurricane and Windstorm Claims – What to Know
In Florida, most homeowners will not be required to purchase separate coverage for hurricanes and wind damage. Instead, it is included as an exceptional deductible on a standard policy – not exceptional in the sense of “outstanding” but “beyond normal circumstances” – and homeowners filing these claims may have to pay that alternate deductible instead of the standard one.
Insurance companies in Florida are increasingly limiting their coverage options for homeowners. This has created somewhat of an insurance crisis in recent times, but you still have plenty of options for getting the coverage that you need. Firstly, make sure that when you apply for home insurance policies you specify that you need this coverage. If you live in a coastal area, you’ll want to make sure an additional policy isn’t required due to increased risk.
If you can’t make sense of your insurance policy or don’t want to risk misunderstanding your coverage, ask the team at On Target Claims to review your home insurance coverage and claim. We’ll ensure you’re protected and capable of getting the maximum payout for your claim.
Hurricane Insurance Deductibles in Coral Springs
The hurricane deductible is standard in all Florida home insurance policies. This separate deductible is offered at four different levels and applies to all named storms:
- $500
- 2%
- 5%
- 10%
The percentages are based on your total coverage. For example, if you have $300,000 in coverage, a 5% deductible would be $15,000. You’d have to pay that before the insurance coverage kicks in. This includes damages caused by wind, water, and other storm-related activities.
About Windstorm Insurance
As mentioned, windstorm insurance is almost always included in home policies. However, people who live in areas prone to storms may have to purchase a separate policy. This can be purchased from the Citizens Property Insurance Corp through the FAIR plan. You can also check out the Florida Market Assistance Program to find insurance coverage that meets your needs.
You will need to check with your insurance company to find out if all windstorm damage is covered or if you are close enough to the coast to need another policy to protect your home. You shouldn’t buy this extra policy unless necessary, but if you need it, you must have it.
Florida’s Hurricane Damage Mitigation Program
To help Florida property owners reduce the risk of damage, the Florida Hurricane Damage Mitigation Program (FCHDMP) can help. They offer grants for inspections, retrofits, and construction modifications that improve the hurricane or wind resistance of a building.
Included in this is the opportunity to get wind mitigation credits. Upgrading your home to include wind-resistant roofing, doors, windows, and other elements shows that you are taking extra steps to protect your assets. The insurance companies will reward this with a wind mitigation credit, which varies in value. Items included in this credit program include:
- Roof coverings
- Roof decking attachments
- Roof-to-wall connections
- Secondary water barriers
- Intermediate or hurricane shutters
- Roof shape
Coral Springs residents should consider upgrading their homes with these features to reduce insurance costs. Although you’re a little further from the coast, it’s only 12 miles away, and for a hurricane, that’s nothing.
If you want to know how much of a discount you’ll get, you have to ask the insurance company. Each one is responsible for setting their own discounts and rates for policyholders, so it may vary from one policy or company to the next. Homes that meet all requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code may even be able to reduce their hurricane deductible in addition to getting windstorm credits.
Other Ways to Protect Yourself When Filing Hurricane and Wind Claims
The best thing you can do is not fully rely on your insurance company to take care of these things. You need to be an informed homeowner and understand your insurance coverage and how much of it you need to protect your home. You should also understand exactly what is included in your windstorm and hurricane coverage, including replacement costs, additional living expenses, damage repairs, and more.
- When you file a claim, document everything. That way, you’ll always have something to refer back to when dealing with the insurance company. It also ensures they can’t go back on their word or that you don’t get different stories from different reps when you call.
- This includes documenting the damages. Take photos and videos, list lost items and their estimated value, and provide any receipts or value statements you have for high-value items. This way, you again have your own proof if the insurance company tries to balk for any reason.
- Make sure that you file your claim completely and correctly. Errors, incorrect filing, and missed deadlines are some of the most common, but most easily remedied, reasons that claims get denied. If you have everything in order, it gives the insurance company less to potentially use against you.
- Keep the insurance company on task. Call them regularly. Check-in on the progress of your claim. Often, they will have a lot on their plates when dealing with a hurricane or storm, so your claim could get lost in the shuffle. Don’t let this happen.
Ultimately, it’s about being prepared and knowing that your insurance company isn’t really looking out for you until they look out for themselves. At On Target Claims, we have helped thousands of residents get what they deserve for hurricane and wind damage claims, fighting back against unfair insurance companies in a landscape with increasing conflicts and concerns.